Thursday 28 July 2011

Taj in the monsoons

The Taj Mahal is a magnificent monument, that eternal ode to love. One never tires of seeing it as it is. People talk of seeing it in the moonlight as being one of the greatest sights in the world. However, the sight of the Taj during the monsoons is  a different sight to see. The massive masoleum against the grey skies gives it a kind of sombre look that is difficult to envisage, , and the over flowing Yamuna river in the background adds to the sobriety, quite a contrast from the picture post card clear blue sky and the dry Yamuna bed one is used to seeing at all other times. The towering monument in the backdrop of the dull grey skies suddenly remind you that it is at the end of the day a tomb for the dead only, magnificence, romance and the milling tourists notwithstanding. See it either way, it will always bring a lump to your throat.